If you are a student of Spanish and you are preparing on your own to take a DELE exam, you may be interested in these other services:

  • Correction of written. If you are preparing for a DELE exam on your own but need a professional Spanish language teacher to correct possible mistakes and give you feedback, I recommend you choose this service. Not only will I correct any grammatical, syntactic, or lexical mistakes, but I will also write you feedback for you to improve this skill, in addition, I will grade your homework according to the grading criteria of the DELE examiners.

  • Speaking practice and correction. If you are preparing for a DELE exam on your own but need a professional Spanish language teacher to correct possible mistakes and give you feedback, I recommend you choose this service. Not only will I correct any grammatical, syntactic, or lexical errors, but I will also write you feedback to help you improve this skill, in addition, I will grade your assignment according to the grading criteria of the DELE examiners.

Are you interested in choosing one of these services to ensure your success and obtain the DELE diploma for which you are applying?

If so, send me an email to: in**@al*********.com and I will send you a quote tailored to your needs!