🗣️ Do you need to improve your Spanish for work or to go on vacation to a Spanish-speaking country? You can book my Spanish for Specific Purposes (EFE) classes to learn the vocabulary and grammar related to your profession or tourism.

📑 Or, maybe what you need is to pass your official DELE exam to accredit your level of Spanish? These official Spanish exams can help you a lot if you are looking to study or work in a Spanish-speaking country and I am an official DELE examiner for the Instituto Cervantes, so I can help you achieve this!

🤝 You may also want to learn general Spanish. Then, in these classes, we will look at grammar, vocabulary, oral and written comprehension, and oral expression.

In any case, if your Spanish level is intermediate and what you want is to improve your oral expression and learn the Hispanic culture, do not hesitate to book my classes on oral expression and culture!

If you have any doubts about the type of classes you need, you can book a free 40-minute interview to evaluate your level and know your goals.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

¡Hasta pronto!